rosemary and rock

salt focaccia

Brioche Slider


Pain au Chocolat

Freshfield Bakery  | Unit 6, Abercrombie Road, Knowsley Industrial Park, Liverpool L33 7YN

United Kingdom | 0151 546 4543 (Office Hours 9-3.30)

Large Rosemary and Rocksalt Foccacia

White sourdough Bloomer 500g **

We are delighted to now have a highly skilled specialist baker working with us who is making excellent Artisan Breads. This delicious increase in our range has done nothing for our waistlines but our team has thoroughly enjoyed learning these new skills. Sales are growing well in this specialist area. Quality is high and consistency is, as always for Freshfield, a given. If your customers are looking for something special, we have a wide range for you to try.

Please phone the office 0151 546 4543 for more details. 

Items marked ** are available sliced or unsliced.

Brioche Burger Bun

Sesame seeds

multiseed cob

Brioche Loaf


Artisan Breads

Brioche Burger Bun